Friday, March 11, 2011


I woke up this morning to an email from George's dad, Steve, suggesting we stick to the pool for the day and avoid the beach, seeing as Japan was struck with an 8.9 magnitude earthquake and we'd likely be seeing big waves up and down the west coast.

My first thought was to tell Nick and George when they woke up, since we were all planning to go to the beach that morning as it so happened. Then I wondered, would it really be a good idea to inform them?

My fears were confirmed when they both went wide eyed with glee, wanting to see immense waves coming crashing down on the beaches for themselves. George at least figured we should get at the top of our mountain and watch from there, but Nick I'm not sure where he would have wanted to go.

But Nick did some research while I made breakfast and it looks like based on prediction models, Mexico is basically sheltering the whole country and we're liable to not see much of anything here. George immediately became glum, having had the anticipation and excitement of seeing massive natural destructive force first hand taken away from him almost immediately upon receiving it. Don't worry George, you may yet live to see Yellowstone blow up.

So never worry parental types. None of us will be swimming at the beach today.

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